Health and Safety Standards – Department Approved Disinfectants
The provisions of this §83.101 adopted to be effective March 1, 2006, 31 TexReg 1280; amended to be effective July 1, 2014, 39 TexReg 4650; amended to be effective January 1, 2023, 47 TexReg 8640.
(a) EPA-registered bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal disinfectants shall be used as follows:
(1) Implements and surfaces shall first be thoroughly cleaned of all visible debris prior to disinfection. EPA-registered bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal disinfectants become inactivated and ineffective when visibly contaminated with debris, hair, dirt and particulates.
(2) Some disinfectants may be sprayed on the instruments, tools, or equipment to be disinfected.
(3) Disinfectants in which implements are to be immersed shall be prepared fresh daily or more often if solution becomes diluted or soiled.
(4) In all cases the disinfectant shall be used in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendation or other guidance in this rule.
(5) These chemicals are harsh and may affect the long term use of scissors and other sharp objects. Therefore, the department recommends leaving items in solution in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendation for effective disinfection.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant
(b) Chlorine bleach solutions shall be used as follows:
(1) Chlorine bleach at the appropriate concentration is an effective disinfectant for all purposes in a salon.
(2) Chlorine bleach solutions shall be mixed daily.
(3) Chlorine bleach shall be kept in a closed covered container and not exposed to sunlight.
(4) Chlorine bleach may affect the long-term use of scissors and other sharp objects so the department does not recommend leaving items in bleach solution beyond 2 minutes for effective disinfection (5 minutes if disinfecting for blood contamination).
(5) Chlorine bleach vapors might react with vapors from other chemicals. Therefore chlorine bleach shall not be placed or stored near other chemicals used in salons (i.e. acrylic monomers, alcohol, or other disinfecting products) or near flame.
(6) Used or soiled chlorine bleach solution shall be properly disposed of each day.
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